Birthday Flowers

Today my big sister turns 50 🎈🎉🎁 Yes the BIG 5 0 😁

I always find it hard to figure out what to give her - especially for a big birthday like this one, because I
want it to be something special that she can remember she got from me. Couldn't find that special thing on her wish list so I decided to make her something special and give her a gift card (my budget isn't super special gift friendly 😉)

So what kind of flowers to make? I went with some season flowers and these are much used in Birthday bouquets here in Denmark. They are all from Maison Gregoria.

I also made the vase to hold the flowers. This one I found right here.

I used:

I made these from 160 gsm white paper and 130 gsm colored paper. The white paper is painted with
Ecoline Watercolor. This is indeed a very easy flower to make and it's so life-like.

These I've made before and they too are very easy to make. I used white and yellow 160 gsm paper for them and inked the center with some yellow Distress Ink.

For this flower I used red Crepe Paper, black Pearl Paper and a painted cotton ball.

I did switch out the original stamens with those from the Anemone to make life a bit easier for myself.

Finally I also made some Columbine Flowers but I couldn't get a decent shot of them.

Here's the entire arrangement:

I was very relieved and thrilled that she loved the flowers and the other items I made her and of course she was happy to receive the gift card as well.

Phew - this entire ordeal took me quite some time to think up and make so I'm very tired now. Happy but tired 😅

Thanks for stopping by - hope to see you soon again.



  1. Such a beautiful arrangement and vase

  2. Tusind tak for gaven søs ❤️😘🙏
    Du er virkelig skarp til det kreative og dine gaver ramte “spot on”.
    Kh S 😘


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